Rift Valley Institute of Business Studies, a registered technical institution offering business and technical courses, won a bid under the Kenya Youth Employment and Opportunities Project (KYEOP) earlier this year to train 54 young people in Food & Beverage Production and Catering and Accommodation.
With funding from the World Bank, The Government of Kenya launched KYEOP in conjunction with National Industrial Training Institute (NITA) and the Micro and Small Enterprise Authority (MSEA). KYEOP aims at increasing employment and earning opportunities for youth aged between 18-29 years through various skills training and entrepreneurship support.
The training will take place across the country in two cycles each calendar year and will include formal technical training and training under master craftsmen. The areas of formal technical training include many of the courses offered at our institution like Catering, Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy, Fashion and Design, Hospitality, Baking and ICT.
Renewed Hope
The beneficiaries of the programme, many of whom are jobless and have experienced extended spells of unemployment or who are currently working in vulnerable jobs, have been with us at RVIBS for the last month. Within that period, the excitement of learning and being in a real working restaurant kitchen can be felt every time you bump into them in the school restaurant or the lecture rooms during their theory classes. There is renewed hope in them. After the 6-month training, the possibilities are endless. It is our belief as RVIBS that this opportunity will be the platform they need to go from jobless and discouraged to job creators and employers.